【Email範本】Reference Check唔好辭填!記住要同諮詢人夾口供

【Email範本】Reference Check唔好辭填!記住要同諮詢人夾口供

【Email範本】Reference Check唔好辭填!記住要同諮詢人夾口供


寫好求職信、準備好履歷表、難得找到心儀工作、通過面試,是大家都期待的事。而面試前,要填上三個或以上諮詢人﹙referee﹚的姓名、公司名稱和職銜,以便新公司作資歷核查﹙reference check﹚,這時難題來了,應該填甚麼人才對?



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Hi [諮詢人的名稱],  

I hope all is well! How have things been with you and [the person’s company, organization, or personal interest]?  

I’m reaching out because I’ve been interviewing for a [申請的職位] role at [公司名稱], and I’d love to list your name as a reference, if you’re willing. I thought of you because we’ve [你們一起合作過的項目], and you could speak to my [你的技巧和技能].  

I’ve attached my current resume and the position description for your reference. I know the hiring team is particularly looking for someone who [簡短介紹新職位所需要的技巧和技能], so specifically, I’m hoping you can talk about:




Please let me know if you’d be willing to serve as a reference and, if so, your preferred contact info and any other details you need from my end. I believe the [招聘機構的電話或電郵] will come from [招聘人的名字] at [公司名稱] around [這一兩天或星期].

And, of course, if you’re busy or not comfortable, I completely understand. Thank you in advance for your time, and let me know how I can return the favor!

All the best,  





 ﹙資料來源:The Muse﹚



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