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【職場英語】教你10句常用工作短語 Clock in、Circle back點解?



1/ Take over 接手

例句:I''''ll take over the project and ensure its successful completion.

2/ Call off 取消

例句:The project has been called off due to budget constraints.

3/ Bring forward 提前

例句:The client requested to bring forward the delivery date for the order.

4/ Go over 仔細檢查

例句:Let''''s go over the project proposal to make sure all the details are accurate.

5/ Circle back 繞回來

例句:Let''''s circle back to this topic after we gather more information.

6/ Put off 延後

例句:We need to put off the client meeting until next week due to scheduling conflicts.

7/ Clock in / clock out 上班/下班打卡

例句:Remember to clock in when you arrive at the office and clock out when you leave for the day.

8/ Deal with 處理

例句:I need to deal with a customer complaint that just came in.

9/ Follow up 跟進

例句:I will follow up with the client to ensure they received the updated proposal.

10/ Wrap up 結束

例句:Let''''s wrap up the meeting by summarizing the key decisions and action items.





延伸閱讀:【職場英語】7大職場用語你要識!「Chair a meeting」、「Reshuffle」又點解?

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