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【商業英語|職場英語】8個常用英文片語及慣用語 「Behind the scenes」、「Cut corners」又點解?



1/ Behind the scenes不公開地

例句:The HR department handles the behind-the-scenes tasks of recruiting, onboarding, and maintaining a positive work culture.

2/ Cut corners走捷徑

例句:Leadership should set the example and ensure that employees understand the importance of not cutting corners in their work.

3/ At the eleventh hour 最後一刻

例句:The marketing team finalized the campaign strategy at the eleventh hour, ensuring a strong impact on our target audience.

4/ Let''''s get down to business 進入主題

例句:The meeting is about to start, so let''''s get down to business and discuss the agenda items.

5/ the table提供有益的事物

例句:Sara''''s creativity and fresh perspective bring innovative ideas to the table during our brainstorming sessions.

6/ Steep learning curve 陡峭的學習曲線

例句:Our new project management software has a steep learning curve, but with training and support, our team members are becoming proficient in using it.

7/ Fifty-fifty 對半

例句:In order to maintain fairness and transparency, the bonuses were distributed fifty-fifty based on individual and team performance.

8/ Run around in circles 毫無進展

例句:The absence of a strong leader has left the team running around in circles, lacking guidance and direction.




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