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【職場英語】「Keep up」有10種唔同意思?除咗「跟上進度」 仲可以咁用!

「Keep up」是一個多義詞,其含義則是取決於上下文(Context)及具體的語境來理解和運用。在工作場合,「Keep up」可以指的是跟上進度的意思。除此之外,「Keep up」其實還有另外9個意思,大家又知道嗎?

按下圖即睇「Keep up」10個意思:

1/ 跟上進度

例句:We need to work hard to keep up with the project''''s timeline.

2/ 保持聯絡

例句:Let''''s keep up the contact and stay in touch.

3/ 堅持

例句:Don''''t give up, keep up the hard work and you''''ll achieve your goals.

4/ 做得好

例句:You''''re doing great, keep up the good work.

5/ 跟上潮流

例句:She always dresses stylishly and tries to keep up with the latest fashion trends.

6/ 理解

例句:The lecture is moving quickly, so make sure to pay attention and keep up with the understanding.

7/ 同步增長

例句:The company needs to invest in new technologies to keep up with the rapid growth in the industry.


例句:In order to stay competitive, we must keep up with the market trends and not fall behind.


例句:The loud noise from the construction site kept me up all night.


例句:We''''ve had a successful start, let''''s keep up the momentum and continue to achieve even more.

想正確理解和運用「Keep up」,我們需要仔細了解當中的情境及語境,以確保能夠準確地傳達訊息。

按下圖即睇7個常用Idioms,「By the book」、「Cut-throat」係點解?


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